Vegan Omelette Recipe

Since becoming vegan, I’ve dabbled with many different alternatives for eggs. The most exciting one I had never seemed to be able to get right is the chickpea omelette. Until recently! I’ve altered and played around with different proportions and believe I’ve perfected this enough to share. I’ve got some tips & tricks below on how to make this fool-proof, but feel free to scroll to the bottom to go straight to the recipe!

  1. My first tip is to use a non-stick pan. It really is a game changer for this one. If you don’t have a non-stick pan, make sure you use enough oil to stop the batter sticking to the pan. Also ensure the temperature is on a medium-high heat before you add the batter so it starts cooking straight away and avoids sticking.
  2. If you’d like to add veggies to your omelette, I recommend soft vegetables such as tomato, mushrooms or courgette (zucchini). If you want to add some other harder veggies like broccoli or carrot, cooking them for a little longer until they’re soft can help.
  3. Be patient whilst it’s cooking! It’s tempting to keep checking to see if it’s done or it feels ready to flip over, but undercooking it can really damage the taste. You can tell it’s ready to flip over when the side facing upwards is no longer wet.
  4. To ensure your veggies are evenly spread across the omelette, act quickly when you pour it on the pan using your spatula to spread them around.
  5. The smaller your veggies are cut up, the more even and flat your omelette will be. Because of the chickpea batter, the first side you cook is likely to be flatter than the other side, so dicing your veggies small will help keep it even.
You can see here I cut my pepper too big!

Chickpea Omelette Recipe – Serves 2

Prep time: 10 mins | Cooking time: 15 mins


  • 60g Chickpea Flour (AKA gram flour)
  • 35g nutritional yeast
  • 160ml warm / room temperature water
  • 1 tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 diced onion (red or white)
  • 2 cloves garlic – minced
  • Diced veggies of choice
  • 1 tbsp oil to fry


  1. In a large bowl, mix together the dry ingredients (Chickpea Flour, Nutritional Yeast, Smoked Paprika, Salt and Pepper.
  2. In a frying pan, fry the minced garlic and diced onion for a few minutes. Whilst it cooks, dice your chosen veggies and add to the frying pan and cook until soft. The time this takes will depend on the vegetables you use – spend around 3 – 7 minutes.
  3. Whilst the vegetables are softening, return to your dry ingredients. Add the water into the bowl in small sections at a time ensuring the chickpea flour is completely mixed in with each section.
  4. When the veggies are soft, add them to the batter and mix altogether.
  5. Once the vegetables are evenly coated in the batter, add a small bit of oil to the pan and ensure the pan is at a medium-high heat. Pour in half of the batter and quickly use your spatula or a spoon to evenly distribute the veggies around the omelette.
  6. It will take around 5 minutes before it is cooked through. It is ready when the top side of it is no longer wet. At this point, use your spatula to flip it like a pancake and cook the other side. You can fold it on the pan, or you can transfer it flat onto your plate.
  7. Pour the remaining batter in your pan for the second omelette and repeat.


You can use black salt for a more ‘eggy’ taste – I recommend this for any vegan egg alternative. However this is a delicious dish in it’s own right without needing to taste exactly like egg! Feel free to experiment by adding vegan cheese!

Serve with some yummy baked beans and your favourite vegan sausages!

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